Whether you have a stressful life outside of the home or you are a busy homemaker raising children, you definitely deserve time for yourself. Here are some ideas that might help you to bring some relaxation and some fun into your busy life.
Schedule Time On Your Calendar - Of course, part of the problem is actually taking the time you need to spend on yourself. As you mark important dates on your calendar, consider leaving one day, or even part of a day, blank so that you can fill it in with something delightful for yourself. Perhaps you could have a different experience on each one of those dates.
Week One - Treat yourself to an experience.
- Do you love art? Your time off on the first week could be spent going to a museum or to art galleries.
- Look up an old friend and meet for lunch, or put yourself in charge of getting a group of your current friends together.
- Take a day trip. Whether you love going to antique shops or just driving to see gorgeous scenery, getting out of town is often a real treat.
Week Two - Learn something new.
- Have you been wanting to improve your culinary skills? Sign up for a class in gourmet cooking or learn how to decorate cakes.
- If you have always wanted to learn a second language, a once-a-week lesson will be a great way to get started, especially if you study on your own between classes.
- If visiting art museums and galleries inspired you enough to try your own hand at sculpting, painting or any other art, it would be a lot of fun to learn these skills yourself.
Week Three - Meet a goal.
- Have you wanted to write a children's book or a novel? Challenge yourself to finish one by a certain date and get started on your day.
- Perhaps you feel guilty that you haven't kept up with old friends and out-of-town family members. What a great day to write some personal notes.
- Give service. Consider visiting a nursing home, volunteering at a school, or even going to see a lonely friend.
Week Four - Pamper yourself!
- Going in to get your hair professionally washed and conditioned is a real treat.
- Consider a once-a-week trip to get your nails done.
- The ultimate way to pamper yourself will be going to a massage therapist. You'll fill out a short personal health history and you'll be asked what kind of massage you want. You can select simply to have a relaxation massage, or you can request a deep-tissue one. Either way, your body will thank you! Expect the massage therapist to use wonderful essential oils or lotions to help your body recover from any muscle aches. For added benefits, consider a hot stone application. You'll find that your time spent with the massage therapist might be the highlight of your week.
Enjoy giving yourself the personal time you deserve. You can even work with a company such as Gulf Coast Massage & Skin Care to set up a monthly schedule of treatments.